Friday, October 31, 2008

Up in Arms

The Harrold Independent School in Texas thinks they are in jeopardy of having a school shooting there. Because the school is thirty miles away from the next police station, they will train the teachers to carry a fire arm and train them to use it in a hostage situation. The school officials did not give out the information about how many teachers are already holding a fire arm but they say that all the teachers will be trained in using it.
Some students don’t agree that the teachers should carry fire arms because it is not their job to be a security guard ,but it is their job to educate students. The students also argue that putting guns in the school will increase the chance of a school attack because students may get a hold of it or the teachers will get angry and their will be no time to cool them down cause they know that there is a fire arm in reach or in possession. Another thing to think about is the fact that there are some families in the school for example David Thweatt has a wife that teaches math in the school and two of their kids go to school there.


  1. this summary is very good. it help me to see what other school are going through..

  2. this summary is good...i agree that teachers should carry guns alot of wikked students dez days

  3. nice job i liked your article very well typed


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